K-One FAQ --------- NB: This is the plaintext version. For the HTML version, take the plaintext version and add the relevant tags in the right places. - Why is your house called K-One? - What _is_ K-One? Why do you have a web page? - How do you know when your lawn needs cutting? - What is 'Green' and how do you make it? - How do I train a homing fish? - What is a breadcake? .. - Why is your house called K-One? It was nothing to do with us. When we moved in there was a sign on the wall. It's such a nice sign (it has Puffins on it and everthing) that we decided not to change it. - How do you know when your lawn needs cutting? When you see a squirrel *hiding* in it. - What _is_ K-One? Why do you have a web page? K-One is a house. It houses some geeks. Check the main page for their pictures and homepages. The geeks are fond of computers and techie gadgety stuff. They have a web page so they can share their lives and stories with the world at large. Plus having a web page is essential geek stuff. - What is 'Green' and how do you make it? Green is a nasty, foul tasting substance first made when the K-One residents lived in Southsea. It is loosely based on Guacamole Preperation: - Chop an onion into large lumps - Cut up a couple of cloves of garlic - Vaguely take a knife to a couple of chilli peppers - Mush up a bunch of avacodos - Mix, serve with Pringles and clothes pegs. - How do I train a homing fish? Training a fish to 'home', or return to a certain place is difficult, but can be achieved in 3 short weeks. First you need to encourage a friend of a K-One inmate to fillet a medium-sized fish as part of a cooking competition. He should put some random, spare portion of fish in the just-emptied bin. IMPORTANT: the fish should not be wrapped in anything. When the day arrives for the bins to be emptied by the council, the fish will stick, limpet-like, to the bottom of your bin. You will know that all is going according to plan when your neighbour informs you that your bin "smells like it has some fish-gone-bad in it" and "you'd better clean that before you get bluebottles". Because the sailor friend has now gone home / sailed away on a pea green boat, the resident responsible for the sailor friend needs to clean out the bin. This should be done with a diluted bleachy, Flashy substance. The bleachy water, complete with dislodged lump of fish should be emptied over a corner of your garden. The next week, Roo will find the stinking, rotting fish-corpse and try to dispose of it properly - with a bin bag - without vomiting. This week when the bins are due to be put out: forget. The fish will *not* be a homing fish if you just throw it away. Now you have a totally rotten, weapons-grade dead homing fish residing forever in your wheely bin. Do not try to get rid of it any more. It is futitle. - What is a breadcake It's Northern for roll. It should always be pronounced with a strong Sheffield accent. ..